
Where nurses find matching jobs
based on their individual profiles

New User
Registered User
“Your next job may be closer than you think”

Matches based on
your profile
After registration, you are automatically linked to matched jobs. Simply click “Request Interview” when you find a job you like and to arrange your interviews.

Cash reward
on placement
Receive a cash reward from Jobs-for-Nurses when successfully placed in a new job using this platform (Terms and Conditions apply).

Benefit from job market and recruitment information sourced from nursing and recruitment experts.
How it works

Jobs-for-Nurses provides a reliable, quick and simple way for nurses to find new matching
job opportunities based on their individual skills and experience.

This is how Jobs-for-Nurses works, in 3 steps:

 1   Register

  Create your free personal profile to be automatically linked to matched jobs.

 2   See personalised matches

  View available job opportunities based on your profile.

 3   Request interviews

  Simply click “Request Interview” when you find a job you like to arrange your interviews.

Successful Outcome

If your interview was successful and you accept the job offer from your new employer, you will
receive a cash benefit from Jobs-for-Nurses as a reward for using the platform (T & Cs apply).